Solcana blog


My CrossFit Journey Week 48: I'm A Believer

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The sun is coming up earlier and setting later. Outside, the trees and tulips are blooming. Winter gear has been exchanged for short sleeves. And in the gym, we've replaced rowing with....RUNNING. Y'all know how I feel about running. I've been very vocal about my feelings on the subject as evidenced by Week 10, Week 12, Week 14, and Week 17. YOU GET THE IDEA. Here's a flashback...below is a video of me in...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 47: I Can Do Anything (almost)

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  With just 5 weeks to go to our one year anniversary (I say our because THIS IS A MUTUAL RELATIONSHIP) I finally made the jump to organize my wardrobe and rid it of the clothes that no longer fit. I've held on to ill fitting items for 47 weeks of this process, and, was time. I wasn't sure what to expect as I went through all my clothes that...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 46: Pushing It

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  My gymmate and friend, Ryan, and I were chatting as class started one night last week and he asked me if I ever go back and read any of my old blogs " know, to compare?" I do, on occasion, but this conversation sparked my curiousity mostly because Ryan told me he could really see the change. The difference. That, at the beginning of this journey, it was tough to...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 45: Preach Hand Emoji

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For a second consecutive week, I have managed to make my goal of hitting the gym a minimum of 5x/week. Feels good to do right by your body, and what a week it was! We recently finished some big weight lifting progressions at Solcana, which means last week had a lot of 1 Rep Max (1RM) PR's like: Back Squat: 255# (up 5# from 3 weeks prior when...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 44: Results Don't Lie (just like the hips)

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It's been a good week. Since starting this journey 44 weeks ago, I've officially dropped 40lbs. In the process, I know I've also gained quite a bit of muscle mass, too. Here's the most important thing: I've learned that the weight number is just that...a number. Yes, I'm ecstatic I've hit this milestone and it definitely motivates me to keep going - but if we're comparing other...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 42

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It's been a fun couple of weeks around the gym, you guys. The sun has been shining, the doors have been raised to let the air in, and my dog, Louie, continues to make himself (too) comfortable in Coach Hannah's office. He's learning, just like I have over these last nine and a half months. Here are 10 best things I've learned from Solcana Crossfit: 10. Embrace the...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 41: Heart Swoles

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We've had a big week, kids. For one, I survived Week 2 of the CrossFit Open, the worldwide competition made up of a broad range of functional movements. Functional movements move large loads, long distances, quickly. These movements also form the basis of the CrossFit exercise program. They say that the CrossFit Games are designed to test, not train, fitness, and the goal is to find the fittest athletes, not...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 40: Opening of The Open

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I just started my tenth month of this journey. Ten months. I think that's how long it takes to cook a baby (or so I've heard). Ten months of constant challenges and surprises and support and friendship and health and positivity. There are many places and relationships in my life that have provided the exact opposite and I have learned that those are places and people I don't...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 38: Now What? (and I got a dog)

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Six weeks ago we started a food challenge that included adding three cups of vegetables, eliminating grains, sugar, and dairy, reaching a body weight appropriate amount of protein, and adding healthy fats into our diets each week. Additionally, we needed to drink a gallon of water each day, sleep at least 8 hours, and get our workouts in. The biggest challenge for me was mostly at...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 37: We Are Worth It

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Last week I came across Aaron Bleyaert's post titled How To Lose Weight in 4 Easy Steps. A person I admire in comedy posted it and, basically, if she posts someting...well, I will read it. All of it. I wasn't sure what to expect, being on my own fitness journey and all. Perhaps the typical 'eat less' and 'work out more'. I wasn't prepared for such a...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 36: I Have Shoulders?!

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Sometimes when I attend to an itch on my shoulder I stop for a minute because the shoulder I'm touching feels...unfamiliar. It feels firm and tight and muscular to touch and I sit in disbelief for a few seconds to come to terms with the fact that these are MY shoulders. My strong shoulders. The same shoulders that bra straps and tank tops used to fall off consistently...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 35: It's a Lifestyle, Not a Duty

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In 35 weeks, I'm officially down 32 lbs. Seven of those have come off since starting the WholeMe Challenge nearly 4 weeks ago. Generally speaking, this equates to roughly .91lbs/per week - a definitely healthy rate to be losing weight. I've always heard that 1-2lbs a week is a good guide for weight loss. I do find it very interesting (and scientific!) that nearly 1/5 of my loss has happened...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 33: Grains of Knowledge (and the importance of sleep!)

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Hi friends! We're into Week 2 of the Solcana WholeMe Challenge and things seem to be going according to schedule - managing to successfully add three cups of different vegetables to my diet every day during week one, and will continue to do that for the rest of the challenge. A gallon of water a day has started to feel a little more managable (with less trips to the bathroom,...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 32: A Whole(ME) New Year

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We're officially into 2015 and it's been a big week of new things at Solcana CrossFit! HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you all started the year off with renewed spirits like I did. After being out of town performing shows for New Years, I can report that I officially started 2015 in a hotel bar, post show, in the middle of nowhere Minnesota, with about 8 complete strangers and...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 31: New Year, New Me

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Well here we are, at the end of another year. So many awesome accomplishments and experiences and highs that far outweigh the lows. Last night we completed our 12 week deadlift progression inspired by Benedict Magnusson. I've talked about it here with you before, so you might remember that each week consisted of a series of reps at various weights that I followed on this Google Spreadsheet....

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My CrossFit Journey Week 30: Real Talk

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I am not sure how to start this week's entry, so I'll just dive right in. It's been a doozy of a few weeks. I hit a rough spot. A breaking point, if you will. And, well, I actually...broke. Some of you saw it unravel on Facebook in the only way I knew how to ask for help - generically.   This time of year is killer on mental health...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 29: I'm a Strong Woman

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What a couple of crappy weeks it has been. Before I left for Houston, TX we had received word that Minneapolis comedian, Gus Lynch had passed. His wake was last week Thursday night. Early Friday I got a call from a fellow comic with news that ANOTHER Minneapolis comedian, the beloved Bill Young, had also passed away - unexpectedly and suddenly some time during the night....

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My CrossFit Journey Week 28: On the Road

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Well, every peak has to have a valley, right? After a glorious six month milestone recap last week, early Thursday I jetted off to Houston, TX to do six shows at the Joke Joint Comedy Showcase. I returned late last night. It's always a lot of fun to visit the club and hang out with my pals in H-Town. I also had a few meetings in town for...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 27: Six Month Milestones

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It was mid April when Coach Hannah reached out to me to ask me if I was "interested in actually doing CrossFit?" and I didn't know it then, but my life would be changed forever. Solcana CrossFit opened it's doors on June 1st, 2014. Six months ago. I did my first workout there on Wednesday, June 4 and visited twice that week. I remember Hannah telling me that...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 26: ROPE? Nope.

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I saw the picture and I panicked. Up until this point I thought I had avoided it, but alas, I was suddenly faced with my biggest fear. The Rope.  Solcana CrossFit is now the owner of three climbing ropes. They just hang there, like a constant reminder of my past failures. OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD Throwback to all those years of elementary and middle school...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 25: OH KALE YEAH

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Remember when I failed last week? I walked into the gym last night with a vengeance and with a goal of nailing my repeat Week 5 Magnusson progression in Week 6. If you recall, I needed to complete: 4×4 (4 sets of 4 reps) at 200lbs 1×2 (1 set of 2 reps) at 225lbs 1×2 at 255lbs 1×8 at 200lbs Josh, my trusty weightlifting partner and I had a great time, in...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 24: I Failed

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My time at Solcana CrossFit has been a series of personal records and success with new skills and, luckily, very few setbacks. It's week 5 of the 12 week Magnusson progression you might remember me talking about back in Week 21. If you're interested in following along with the weights I'm lifting, you can check out this handy Google spreadsheet. Up until now, I have hit...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 23: Feeling Thankful

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Last night I went to my usual 6:30 class with Coach Jake. I have come to really love Mondays at 6:30. We seem to have a nice flow with each other - we laugh, we work, we sweat, and we usually fall onto the floor together post workout as a team. It's comfortable. It's the only place I need to be Mondays from 6:30 to...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 22: Holidaze

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Hard to believe Halloween is at the end of this week, right? Mostly because that means that Thanksgiving is next month and Christmas and New Years the month after. Basically, it's 2015 already. Are you ready for this? It's crazy how fast time flies sometimes. It's even crazier how many holiday get-togethers with glorious foods and drinks and treats like mashed potato martinis and sticks...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 21: DEADLIFT THIS

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This past week, we started a 12 week heavy deadlifting progression inspired by Benedikt Magnusson. I started deadlifting this summer in Powerlifting Club (Saturdays after my regularly scheduled 9am lady class) so I was really excited to learn we were going to be focusing on this lift. It's one of my favorites. My deadlift PR set back at the meet on September 13 was 231lbs (105...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 20: Self Perception

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Last week a colleague snapped a full body picture of me. For the first time - in maybe my whole life - I didn't hate it. I didn't sit and scrutinize and identify all of my 'trouble areas' or better yet, delete the picture entirely. In fact, for the first time in my life I let it be seen. I have always struggled with my perception...

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My CrossFit Journey Week 19: Conscious Eating

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They say it takes 21 days to make a new habit. And, as of today, I have officially been doing CrossFit for 127 days. That's approximately one habit, six times over. I feel comfortable saying it is a thing that "I do". We know this, I've talked about it here before. The workouts are a mainstay in my new life and I'm thankful because this is a place...

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