Solcana blog

Upcoming Changes to Solcana Virtual and Fit From Home

For over a year we have been offering an at home version of Solcana Fitness with our Solcana Virtual programming. Last summer we began offering a small group fitness experience with our Fit From Home program. Both of these programs have been wildly successful and many of you have told us that this is how you will do fitness for the near future. 

Though demand for online classes has dropped slightly in recent weeks as athletes transition to in-person fitness, we want to continue to offer the best local, community focused Solcana strength and conditioning programming that we can virtually. To do this, we are combining Solcana Virtual and Fit From Home and calling it all Fit From Home (FFH).

The transition will begin Monday May 24th. Anyone with a Virtual membership will automatically transition to a FFH membership and gain access to all the classes that were previously only open to FFH members. All pricing will stay the same for current virtual members, but we will email you with opportunities to upgrade to a more full service program if you’d like. 

All in-person members will still have access to as many FFH classes per week as they would like. 

The Virtual and FFH class formats will be combined to form one new format that will be very similar to how they are now but with slightly more use of weights than there was in the FFH classes. These classes won’t feel much different than the regular virtual classes we’d been offering, but now you have more options! We are keeping the noon classes as the Biceps and Bros format by popular demand. If anyone needs weights or needs heavier options as you continue to get strong at home, you can always get them through us! Just email [email protected] for more details. 

Here is what the new Fit From Home schedule will look like:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Noon B&B Noon B&B

You will have access to ALL these classes through the link posted on Wodify. Password is still Solcana. 


We were glad to use the virtual medium to get us through all the tough spots when we could not be together. We were surprised and delighted to connect with so many new athletes in so many amazing and unexpected ways. We are excited to keep offering strong options for all of our athletes to stay engaged and healthy.

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