Congratulations to Lily Thiboutot, Solcana’s February Athlete of the Month!
Lily joined Solcana in 2020 in the middle of the pandemic as a way to create accountability and community for her fitness. Coach Garrett Hoffman says “Lily and I met in 2004 (!) and she has been an incredible force of good and hope in my life since the beginning. When she joined Solcana I was so excited! She’s a great addition to our caring community. She’s smart about movement and makes thing work for her. She always asks good questions and seeks to understand more about the movements we do and why we do them.”
Lily is an educator and serves as an after-school coordinator, helping students find and practice what they love. Lily also enjoys walking with friends, biking, cross-country skiing, paddle boarding, and is learning how to ice skate with her partner David (ah, the things we do for love – he even ghost wrote some of this blog post!). She’s a regular presence at Biceps and Bros, although you’ll never see her at a workout before 8:00am. She continues to be positive and forward-looking during the twin pandemics of covid and systemic racism.
“Lily goes out of her way to make people feel seen and heard. She is thoughtful, kind, patient and so wonderful to talk to,” says Coach Hannah. “I love watching her make choices that make sense for her space and her body. She always stays in her own lane and doesn’t play the comparison game. She is one of our original Fit From Home crew and we are so grateful to have her around.”
Coach Garrett Ferderber met Lily through AcroYoga, “where she was a diligent student and always pushed herself to improve and be challenged while staying conscious of her, and her partners’, boundaries. It has been a real pleasure to get to work with Lily again in the Fit From Home program. She sets goals and works hard to achieve them. She is great at taking information and incorporating it into her exercises and has a lot of really useful self knowledge. In addition to being an inspiring athlete, Lily is a treat to be around.”
Thanks for joining the Solcana community, Lily!