Mimi joined Solcana in 2017 with a strength training interest, looking to lift more seriously on a Powerlifting team. She’s become a staple of the Solcana lifting community; attending meets, challenging herself and supporting her fellow lifters. Mimi focuses on Strength and Power Lifting, attending CrossFit and Mobility classes to support her training. Coach Jenn says to “watch Mimi stretch sometime – it is so graceful!”
Coach Kaitlin says “I love Mimi’s spirit. She’s funny, humble and always open to learning something new. Watching her get ready for a deadlift set is awesome. She internalizes cues and gets herself physically and mentally ready and then goes for it. She’s a well rounded athlete as well – she’s signed up for a half marathon this year!”
“Mimi has some amazing strength,” Coach Hannah add. “She has improved so much, particularly on her squat and deadlift. Mimi is a BOSS. She is super dedicated to her strength game and puts in a lot of time with the barbell. She is a compact little person and has the strength of a gosh darn bull. She also recently bought and renovated a house, proving she is cool and talented in 100 different ways.”
In February Mimi squated 225# (!!) and continues to set new goals for herself. Coach Michael confirms “she’s likes to deadlift.”
Mimi spends her days working in public health, particularly with stroke prevention and cardiovascular health. She’s helping all of Minnesota get healthy and not have vascular diseases.
Thank you Mimi, for taking hundreds of buses to get here and for all your great work!