Solcana blog

Kory LaQuess Pullam. He, Him, His

What type(s) of community work do you engage in?

I do a fair amount engagement with the community through the arts. Also, workshops and Improv clinics with youth are things that I have found myself giving my time to..

Why Solcana? Why now?

It’s a perfect time for me to join Solcana because I want to take better care of myself. I like the thought of challenging myself to be better. I’ve come to a time in my life where I’m just trying to live it the best way in all aspects. So, by joining Solcana, I think I’ve taken another step in the right direction.

You have a free Saturday with no obligations, what do you do?

Sleep. I could really use some sleep. Then, probably binge something on Netflix.

What is something you want everyone to know about you?

I always want people to know that I’m giving everything I’ve got. Whether it’s onstage, in a meeting, or simply in conversation, I am always giving my full self and will always try to be present and in the moment.

How did you become interested in theater?

I got involved in theatre because track practice was canceled due to rain. I was in high school and just roaming the halls my freshman year. I happened to walk up on auditions happening in the theatre room. The teacher/director encouraged me to audition, so I did. I didn’t get the part originally, but the actor who did get it had a falling out with the teacher. So, I replaced him and ended up really loving it. The rest is history.

What have you learned from being involved in theater?

The biggest thing I’ve learned from theatre is the collaborative nature of a team. It takes so many people to make a theatre production happen.  Truly, actors are so low on the priority list. The director, writer, designers, tech folks, etc. It’s such a nebulous and beautiful thing the way numerous people from numerous places can come together to create one story. It’s pretty special.

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