Solcana blog

17.1 Is in the Books!

That was quite the barn-burner, 20 minutes of pure lung-busting metcon madness. I know some of you loved it, and you could see some athletes truly thrive under that spicy endurance style. The most important thing is that it’s over and done with and we never have to do it again (until we do)!

We had a lot of incredible accomplishments this week. The first being that 70 out of 73 athletes completed the workout! Three athletes even did 17.1 while on the road – way to go Becky G., Margie and Sara R.!

This year for scoring, there are three categories – Rx, Scaled + and Scaled.  Marijke and Matt created an amazing spreadsheet and basically did all of the work to get the scores all sussed out, so we really have them to thank!

Every athlete was ranked based on their finishing time. For time capped athletes, one second was added to the 20 minute cap for every rep left to compete. These ranks were then weighted based on whether the workout was completed Rx (weighting=1), Scaled + (1.5), or Scaled (2). As an example, the person who was the fastest overall, Becky K, did Rx so she gets 1 point to contribute to her team total (Rank 1 * 1 weighting). The second fastest person, Mary S, did Scaled + so she gets 3 points (rank 2 * 1.5 weighting). This continues for all athletes. Then, the top three team “weighted ranks” are added together and the teams are ranked based on their aggregate individual weighted ranks. This magic is the best way we found to make sure that athletes were given proper points for being fast as heck, but athletes who did the higher challenge also got a bump for their hard work.

First, the individual rankings. Becky Kane came out on top for Rx with a time of 15:30 (holy crap). Marijke, Melissa, Tamra and Nate also all finished at Rx under the time cap, which is utterly impressive. Mary Souder crushed the Scaled +, with a host of other badass women following in her lead. Sara Rad came out on top of the Scaled division, with every single one of those top 10 athletes finishing under the cap.

The top team of the week was “Drop it Like a Squat”, comprised of Becky K, Laurel, Kira and Liv. Props to you team DiLaS! You absolutely killed it. Coach Ryan said he witnessed this team complete the workout over the course of 3 different class times, but purposely arrive early and stay late so they could cheer one another on as a team. That is dedication!

Other stats from the week:

  • 25 out of the top 30 competitors were women
  • 37% of athletes finished under the timecap
  • Person hours spent on 17.1 –> 21 hours, 55 minutes & 37 seconds

Shoutouts from the week:

  • Tamra did the workout when she was sick and still completed under the cap at Rx
  • Shelley Quade and Pat McCann are not on teams but get big shout-outs from Coach Ryan for putting in 100% effort and leaving it all on the floor
  • Melissa H. finished under cap at Rx, and has only been coming to Solcana for a few months
  • Nate A. did the workout in complete silence at 5 am after returning from a trip to sunny Florida
  • Rye came in with a lot of nerves, but I saw him just totally kick ass with a 35# DB, like a BOSS
  • Coach Ryan says: “Amy Highness went HAM in the last minute to try and finish.  She went so hard that on the last rep, she fell up the box but saved it to land like an airplane soaring through the air.  It was more majestic than she thinks.”
  • Coach Jenn says “I partnered with Shannon Bean at open gym and it was really cool to watch her push hard while trying to work within her health boundaries. When she first started with us, burpees were a thing her heart could barely handle!! And yesterday she did like 60!”
  • Lucia says “Megan Gramlow did the 5:30 AM class for the first time in order to fit in 17.1 before going on a road trip all day Friday.”

Any predictions for next week? Goals? I am personally excited to see you all do another workout. I encourage you to come and watch for other classes that you aren’t in, and cheer others on any chance you get. Also, BIG PROPS to the teams who coordinated their outfits, I am hoping to see even more of that for 17.2.


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