Solcana blog

Happy New Year wonderful community!

2017 is going to be quite the year. A year where sitting by idle will not suffice as there will be many changes ahead. We have to do our part to speak up and act out for the causes and people we love and believe in. That’s why we’re going to keep the Pay it Forward opportunity going into the new year, and beyond, here at Solcana

Every mobility class you attend, you will have the opportunity to pay it forward! Not only will you have the chance to mobilize your wonderful bodies and rest your busy minds but you will also have the chance to serve others in need. Each quarter in 2017, Solcana will contribute to a different cause.

“Wait, you mean, I get to mobilize AND contribute to something bigger than myself?!”

Yes, that’s right! 

The organization that we will donate to for Quarter 1 (January through end of March 2017) will be Planned Parenthood. Supporting reproductive rights and health is a crucial act given current circumstances. Pay it Forward will give us the opportunity to contribute to the cause and support those that are offering services at risk of becoming less accessible. Check out their website here: Planned Parenthood

So how does this work? There will be a donation jar available in the mobility room where you can place cash or a check (made out to Planned Parenthood). Here’s the kicker: Solcana will contribute $1 per person that attends a mobility class on the weekends! You have four opportunities each weekend to up-level your contributions. The lovely Laura Levinson will be leading mobility and meditation classes both Saturdays and Sundays. 9:10am and 10am on Saturdays and 10am and 11am on Sundays. Sign up in Wodify to reserve your spot and check-in to Solcana
via FaceBook while you’re at it to spread the word. The more folks we get in the mobility room, the greater the impact we will have.

Winter is the perfect time to reflect inward with gentle, restorative movements that allow you to improve your mobility and see sweet gainz in the gym! Meditation in another great way to unwind and let go of any tension holding you back from making strides in your health and wellbeing goals. Please contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions about this opportunity or about anything mobility, meditation and/or wellbeing related!

Looking forward to supporting such a great organization with you all!

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