So who is that guy that seems to think Zubaz are coming back in style . . . Hi, my name is Mike and I have an abnormal collection of Zubaz and an addiction to Crossfit! Now that I got that off my chest I can tell you about how Solcana has reignited my competitive flame!
Let’s travel back a few years to where this journey to Crossfit coach and competitor began. Throughout my childhood and into college I was constantly playing some type of organized sport from football to baseball and everything in between. I loved competing and striving to be at the top of my game. Then hit life as an adult . . . Like most of my friends we all got jobs after college, started working the 9-5, and many of us who played sports together lost the time to do this. To continue staying fit I joined various big box gyms and for the first few years I thought my amazing programming of bench, then bench, then a little more bench was the true answer to peak physical fitness. Then a rude awakening occurred. I’m having a conversation about fitness with my Dad and realize as we are swapping stories that he’s benching, squatting, and deadlifting as much as me. This can’t be? He’s 30+ years older than me! Over the next week I reflected on my workouts and it became clear what had happened . . . I’d lost my competitive edge!
After this conversation with my Dad I told myself, “I need to change my fitness routine.” I joined Solcana with the intention to get my competitive edge back! Over the first 6 months I stayed rather quiet in classes, focusing on pushing myself harder and striving to beat everyone on the whiteboard. As the first year continued at Solcana I starting completing most workouts Rx and I was looking to push myself further. How about Olympic Lifting or a Crossfit competition? I’ve always wanted to wear a singlet in front of a large group of strangers . . . After competing in a few of these events I was hooked.
Fast-forward two years from the start of this journey at Solcana and I’ve definitely rediscovered that competitive flame that pushes me to my physical limits. I’m addicted to that uncomfortable feeling you have after getting pushed to your limits by a Hero WOD or the itch to get to the gym after missing a few days.
So when a friend, family member, or complete stranger asks me why Crossfit? Why Solcana? You’d think my answer would be because of the competition. Although that has been a huge benefit I have experienced since joining what I brag most about is the people! Solcana has exposed me to people of all personalities, motivations, and experiences that have been a key cog in my success in the gym. Through every one of my successes in the gym there has been a Solcana athlete pushing me to add one more pound, or finish one more rep. Solcana is not just a community, but also a family.
Now that I am lucky enough to be a Coach I’m excited to share that competitive flame with each of you. I look forward to pushing you to your physical and mental limits, and then exceeding them!
I’ll see you in the gym!
PS Zubaz are coming back, stop fighting the inevitable!