Solcana blog


By Lauren Anderson and Morgen Larsen

Hi. Lauren here. You know, once in a while, there are some rare mornings when I wake up, without being prompted by my over-active bladder. I lie there nestled in my bed, and realize I am awake just moments before my alarm starts its round of annoying beeps and boops.  

And on these rare mornings, I am not bothered by the loss of those precious few minutes of sleep, but rather, excited that I can lie there for a moment. Like I’ve somehow cheated the system. I don’t have to get up yet, or get ready yet, or get anywhere yet. I can just BE.

I call this time, “The Space In Between”.

And during the “Space In Between”, I do some of my best thinking. I take stock of my mind. How I feel. And how my body feels. I sometimes plan my day, or even replay my dream from the night before. I observe my room drenched in that specific morning light. You know the light I’m talking about… Morning light has a quality all it’s own. And I love it. (As much as a die-hard night owl can, of course.)

I notice on the rare days when I wake up like this, I usually end up having a great day. I think it’s because I’ve allowed myself a few minutes to take things in and get my bearings. And I do it at my own speed. I wasn’t being forced to wake up from a machine, and then FUNCTION, EXECUTE, GO.  I woke up on my own, because my body wanted to, and I can take my time to check-in with myself and get intentional.

Being intentional is a really beautiful spot to be in too. It means I am present. I can hold myself accountable. I have a willingness and a desire. And when I’m intentional, I set the pace.

Well, I am so so so happy to announce that the crackerjack team of fitness/nutrition experts at Solcana have been working hard to create a “Space In Between” (so-to-speak) for all of you who want an opportunity to get intentional with your body, and your fitness.

This new program allows you to start off on a road to fitness in a way that suits you. At a pace you choose. Because your body wants to, but your mind and your courage might need a few more minutes. This new program will work you out, while working you into a new mindset for a lifelong, intentional relationship to nutrition and fitness.

Solcana has changed everything for me. They created a safe, welcoming place for me to come as I am. And I get to play an active, intentional role in my fitness. And for the first time in my life, I feel ready to say “Good Morning” to my body, and really mean it.  

But don’t just take my word for it.  

Read on to hear about the new program straight from Solcana’s Premier Coach Morgen herself! And I hope after reading her words, you will join me in that rare and beautiful “Space In Between.”  



Coach Morgen here, to tell you all about the new program that we are releasing this fall at Solcana, Body Adapt! 

Body Adapt is designed for participants newer to movement exercise, for anyone looking to learn how they can incorporate both functional movement and the principles of healthful nutrition in a safe, fun and welcoming environment. We value ourselves as the most friendly gym in Minneapolis, and Body Adapt is no exception. All Body Adapt coaches have found joy in reclaiming their health through the principles you’ll be learning throughout our six weeks together. During workouts, you’ll learn foundational movement patterns using your own body weight and build core strength in a supportive and safe group environment. During weekly nutrition sessions, you’ll learn about a new subject each week, such as how digestion works (and what to do when it needs a little help!), what blood sugar regulation is, the connection between your gut and stress, and more! Everyone will complete a dietary challenge, putting together what you learn in class and trying it out!

WHEN: September 18th – October 27th; the program is six weeks long with three sessions per week. Sunday 6-7:30pm is nutrition with Lucia Hawley, nutritional therapy practitioner. Tuesday and Thursday from 6-7pm, work out with Coach Jenn Schaal. Program also includes a 5-class punch card for use at any mobility class at Solcana Wellness. 

WHERE: Solcana Crossfit + Wellness located at 22nd and Minnehaha in the Seward neighborhood of Minneapolis

PRICE: $350 for full 6-week program

CONTACT: [email protected] to sign up!

WHO: Jenn Schaal, Coach, and Lucia Hawley, NTP


Jenn Schaal had always “worked out” – you know, the kind of work out where you find the treadmill at the back of the big box gym and walk/run for what feels like FOREVER maybe like 1x every two weeks until you just…completely lose interest and give up? Yeah, that kind. After being diagnosed in 2001 with Graves’ Disease that turned into hypothyroidism after treatment, Jenn’s health and fitness levels consistently declined. In June 2014, when approached about joining Solcana CrossFit, Jenn knew she was being presented with a life changing experience. She accepted and chronicled her CrossFit experience in weekly blog posts – openly and honestly. In the two years she has been doing CrossFit, Jenn has thrived and flourished emotionally and physically and has made the transition from a sedentary lifestyle to a certified CrossFit  L1 Trainer and amateur powerlifter competing in Minnesota. She finds joy in helping people of all fitness levels and body types realize their own internal strength and power through the supportive, welcoming, and safe community that Solcana CrossFit creates and encourages. Oh, and she’s a stand up comedian.



LUCIALucia Hawley is a nutritional therapy practitioner and runs her nutrition practice out of Solcana Wellness. Lucia came to study nutrition due to the need to support her own health after recognizing that the foods she loved didn’t always love her back. Lucia provides practical, easy to incorporate dietary education that debunks conventional nutrition myths and puts the power back into people’s hands so they can take charge of their own health. Lucia believes seeking health and wellness is all about finding deeper happiness and peace within ourselves–never about making foods “good” or “bad”, but instead learning how and why foods act in our bodies and why this matters!








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-We value ourselves as the most friendly gym in Minneapolis, and we work actively with the LGBT community and other underserved communities in the Twin Cities

-We keep class sizes small to serve you and give you an individualized experience with our coaches each time you enter our gym

-We have a full mobility/nutrition/crossfit program with experienced coaches and our own nutritional therapy practitioner that will help you to grow in mind, body, and spirit


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There 2 responses to “Introducing Body Adapt, or: The Space In Between”

Briana mcNamara

When are the Sunday classes?

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Morgen Larsen

Sunday nutrition classes are 6-7:30pm.

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