Solcana blog

Sundays, July 10th – August 7th

Online Class: 1:30 – 3:00 PM: $189 (or $179 for Solcana Members)

In Person Class (at Solcana Wellness): 4:00 – 5:30 PM: $189 (or $179 for Solcana Members)

15-1214-ESSENTIAL-YOU-PROGRAM-LOGO-FINAL-TRANSJuly is already fast approaching, and there are TWO Essential You group nutrition class sessions available for sign up! One class is completely online, and all you need is a steady internet connection during the time listed above. Our other class meets in person at Solcana Wellness (2200 Minnehaha Ave in Minneapolis) Sunday evenings, with both classes starting July 10th.

If you’re ready to learn about YOUR health, to try our 3 week healthy eating challenge, to really experience what and why the foods we eat affect so many areas of our lives… what are you waiting for?

The in-person July Essential You class already only has 5 spots left due to high demand, so if you’ve been curious about joining, e-mail me [email protected] NOW so I reserve your spot for you! Same goes for the online class, shoot me a message and I’ll get you all signed up.

Curious what people have experienced from just changing what they eat for a few weeks? Read on!

“From when I first started the Essential You program, my mood has definitely improved. The first week was challenging, especially if you are an emotional eater. But it does get easier and you will feel better. I did the program in January, a month where historically I suffer from a major bout of depression. This year, my mood was stable and I didn’t dip into a depression. I’m so happy about that – and so are my family and friends!”


“Since the first day I started the Essential You program, I haven’t needed to take Tums, which I was taking multiple tablets a day prior to the program.”

“I have noticed a significant, positive change in my mood after going through the program. I feel more upbeat and optimistic, I am more focused at work, and I have the spirit to tackle difficult situations in ways I would have backed away from previously because they felt ‘too big to handle.’ “

“I ended up losing 16 pounds over the past four weeks.”

“The class is so much more [than the challenge itself]. The tools and information provided are ones you can use for the rest of your life.”

The physical results were pretty amazing. In the first week, I noticed my face seeming less puffy. Overall, I lost 7 pounds and 4.5 inches — mostly from my hips and waist. I didn’t go into this with a weight loss goal, but it’s a happy result. small

Ok, so, are you ready to join me yet? I have spots left in both my in person and online classes–e-mail me [email protected] and I will give you all the juicy details, answer any questions you may have, and get you ready to change your life. Yeah, it’s cool like that!



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