Solcana blog

So you’re one of the 50 Destress Quest participants and you’re basically DONE with the Destress Quest after today–you may be feeling some.. stress… about what to do next!

just SOME of the amazing meals you all made yourselves and posted to our group!!

Well, luckily for you, everything you’ve been working on these last 12 days are tools, tricks and ideas you can continue to implement whenever you so choose. There’s no reason you need to stop eating according to these parameters (you won’t be missing any key nutrients by leaving out the processed and refined seed oils, processed sugars, gluten, etc.!), setting boundaries around sleep and electronics, drinking at least 50 ounces of water per day, getting an hour or more of physical activity on the regular and incorporating at least ten minutes of mindfulness every day.

Our quest was to incorporate all of these goals together on a consistent basis. Now it’s your time to reflect:

  • what felt good?
  • what was the most challenging?
  • why do you think that was?
  • what surprised you?
  • what do you want to carry forward?
  • if you don’t want to carry something forward, why is that?
  • Is there a variation on one of the goals you’d prefer to implement from here on out?
NBD, just some more nourishing, tasty foodstuffs created by YOU!

Our facebook group will continue to be active, so don’t forget you can always continue to use it and the Pinterest board for ongoing discussions and inspiration. Now is also an awesome time to slowly reintroduce foods back and notice how each makes you feel. You worked hard to experience what you feel like without consuming corn, soy, peanuts, sugars, gluten and processed oils. If you’re curious how they actually make you feel, you now have a great baseline to add them back in, one at a time. Give yourself a day where maybe you add in some peanut butter (while still sticking to the quest parameters otherwise) a few times throughout the day. Notice what your body does! Do you feel fine? tired, achey? Nose gets stuffy? Do you snore that night–or the next night? Give yourself a few days to notice how the peanut butter makes you feel before moving on to the next food. This is a really powerful tool you can use! Every body is different, and now is a cool time to learn what foods fuel you and which are a bit harder on the system!

If you’re looking for additional learning, structure and support, my next Essential You group nutrition class starts Sunday, July 10th, and I’ve got 2 spots left in the in-person 4 PM spot available! e-mail me [email protected] and I’ll reserve a spot for you. During the Essential You we go more in-depth about how and why our digestion works optimally (and what to do if it doesn’t), how and why our blood sugar levels affect how we feel throughout the day, what “detoxification” is all about and more… as well as completing another dietary challenge quite similar (though different!) to the food portion of the Destress Quest!

We are all here for each other as a community that seeks joyful, authentic health. I love how much everyone has been there for one another during the Destress Quest, especially in the midst of the huge tragedies that occurred in Orlando that have shaken our community and its members. Everyone being there for one another is a humbling and incredibly beautiful source of togetherness, something sacred about Solcana. I can’t wait to see those who can attend at the potluck tonight in person, as well as those who can join the workout at Solcana on Tuesday, June 21st that coach Hannah created to honor the humans who lost their lives at the Pulse shooting.



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