Solcana blog

NewMobilityClasses2016SmallI am so excited to announce a wonderful change that is happening over in our Wellness space. We are re-vamping our yoga program, and we are doing so as a response to what we have seen works best for you, the Solcana athlete.

First, I want to announce the addition of the Head Yogi position, filled by the wonderful Liv Anderson. Liv brings us a delightful spirit and excitement around her work. In addition, we are bringing on several new instructors who will help round out the studio and allow us to offer more classes.

The even bigger news is that starting April 1st, all of our classes are shifting to varying length mobility classes. Each one will focus on helping you be the most prepared you can possibly be to excel in the gym. There are three lengths of mobility classes, and they will be offered at a wide range of times throughout the week.

20 Minute Mini Mobility: A short class coupled right before a CrossFit workout. Intended to warm up the body and temporarily increase range of motion.

40 Minute Mobility: Longer holds of few poses. Intended to more permanently increase range of motion. Either done after a CrossFit workout or on its own during a rest day.

80 Minute Mobility XL: A mix of a a flow to warm up, followed by a few poses held for a longer time, ending with extended meditative seated poses or meditative shivasana. Expected to be done either after a WOD or on its own. Intended for both more permanent range of motion improvement.

For those of you who reacted to this like, what about yoga?! Worry not, this is still yoga, but it’s mobility infused yoga with a focus on range of motion increase. Narrowing in on this focus is going to improve your positioning in the gym and give you greater access to your strength and power. You will hardly notice the difference in the classes themselves, but you should notice a big difference in how you feel after your practice. All of these classes are designed for all levels, all body types, all variations of stretchiness.

In addition to adding new teachers and new classes, we are offering 10 and 20-class punch cards for athletes who are not Solcana members. If you know CrossFitters, endurance athletes, cyclists or other athletes who need to get their stretch on, send them to us! You can direct your buddies to e-mail [email protected], or just bring them to a class and they can sign up on the spot.

Classes are currently limited to 8-people, so make sure you are signing up early and often to save your spot. So excited to see you all getting loosey goosey in the mobility studio!




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