Solcana blog

It is Day 45 of this ‘lil journey and I just want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you who have shown me encouragement. It means a lot to me that you take time out of your own life to pay attention to what I’m doing and your kind words keep me motivated. Seriously. Thank you. Its kind of like that time I told everyoneJenn I knew I was going to do stand-up for the very first time so that I would have to hold myself accountable. If no one would have known, I probably would have bailed and 7 years later y’all would be the only audience I’d have to talk about cats and dating and my therapist and eventually you’d want to stop hanging out with me because eventually you’d say things like, “WHY DOES JENN HAVE TO BE ‘ON’ ALL THE TIME?!” But you don’t. Because I did that. And so, you see, writing this blog helps me stay accountable in my fitness to myself, to you, and to Solcana. I’m grateful for the opportunity and just wanted you to know. Thank you! (Also come see a show sometime like this Friday night at Bryant Lake Bowl.)

But now we get down and dirty about week 7, okay? Ooooooh boy. Let’s just start out by saying I need to do a better job of getting enough sleep at night. I work a full time job (8:30a-6p, typically) and have a full performance life at night (usually getting home and in bed by 12a). I don’t know about you but it takes me a while to transition from being out to being in bed, so suddenly I find myself being awake at 1:30am thinking about how I need to be up at 4:45am for the 5:30am class at Solcana. And then I STAY AWAKE. And then 4:45 alarm goes off and I think, “Okay…is there a class I can make tonight? Because that extra hour and a half of sleep is what I need right now.” I pull out my phone, check the schedule, cancel my reservation for 5:30am and reschedule for 6:30pm. I did this today, in fact. In theory, I want to make the 5:30am class my regular because it’s great to get it done at the start of the day – I can’t get caught at work. I won’t miss a show. I won’t be tempted to cancel for happy hour or dinner plans or any of the fun things my FOMO (fear of missing out) mentality plagues me with. But, I’m too tired, you guys. Because I like to burn the candle at all ends and now that I’m 7 weeks into CrossFit, I realize I can’t do that anymore. So, we need to change some things up. What kinds of things do you do to help get your mind and body to shut down for the night? I WELCOME YOUR THOUGHTS!

In other news, I am down 9 lbs now. NINE!!!! I still have a lot more to go but I can tell you that I’ve noticed certain items of clothing just fit me differently now, and that is definitely because of CrossFit. Doing all of these different exercises and weight lifting changes your body shape. I AM PROOF. I put on this skirt today for work that I don’t normally tuck a blouse into, (Blouse? Oh man, am I 84 years old? WHO SAYS THAT?) and it was exceptionally looser in all the right areas. Like, noticeably so. In the immortal words of Tony! Toni! Toné! – IT FEELS GOOD.

Also this week, I did my first one rep max clean. What is a clean? CHECK IT OUT HERE. I did 90lbs! I know that a lot of people lift more than that, but for my first time I was pretty pumped even though I tried to get to 100lbs and failed miserably. I find that I’m still psyching myself out a lot – over thinking the movements and the like. Go figure. A stand-up comedian that overthinks things? Such AN ANOMALY. Everyone that was with me for that class lifted so much weight – it was impressive. But then got into my own head and I had a freak out moment. So I’m going to just let that go and relish in what I did accomplish and know that I’m getting stronger and maybe next time I’ll be able to cross the 100lb threshold. Here’s something crazy that also happened: Coach Hannah convinced me to sign up for the Solcana Powerlifting Meet in September (see more about that here). Like a young Jessi Spano, I’m so excited, I’m so excited, I’m so SCARED about that (minus the caffeine pills). I have a feeling I will have plenty to tell you about in my training as I’m now going to start attending the Saturday noon powerlifting classes after my 9am lady CrossFit – so let me know if anyone is interested in protein brunch between 10a and 12p with a sweaty gal on Saturdays.

OH! One last thing! I went out of town this weekend again and ACTUALLY managed to do road WODs this weekend. I made my BFF try it with me (she’s not a CrossFitter…yet..). She loved the workout we did – 5 rounds of 25-25lb russian kettlebell swings and 20 sit-ups for time. We maybe took a little longer than we would have if we were at the box, but we still did it with the gorge (that’s short for gorgeous) lakefront view in front of us. We could have been pontooning with cocktails, but we took time out to go for a quick paced walk and road WOD and I felt fantastic about our good decisions. Plus, the cocktails and pontooning immediately followed with a little less guilt.

Thanks again for staying with me on this journey, friends. See you next week for the video blog. I may or may not have my hair extensions in anymore, and it’s going to be important for me to know you’ll still like me anyway.

See you then!




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There one response to “My CrossFit Journey Week 7: Feeling Strong”


I am so proud of you!! You must feel so good about yourself. But as a mother……………. you need your sleep- try mindfulness- it works, just lay there and concentrate on your breathing and when you get distracted like you will a zillion times just refocus on your breathing- it is exercise for the mind ( oh no more exercise) and soon you will fall asleep.

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