Solcana blog

Well, we have offish entered the second half of summer. I know, you guys. I’m just as sad about it as you are. Especially since I’m writing to you fresh from returning from 5 days of vacation on Madeline Island. Ahhhhhhhhhhh. I feel relaxed and rejuvenated after 5 glorious days of sunshine, dogs, Lake Superior, mopeds, mosquitos, grilled food, comedy, homemade ice cream, naps, and……no dedicated exercise.

I know.

I can’t believe I just wrote that.

I feel awful about it, especially because my intentions were so good.

I’m not just saying that – I was at the 9:30 am class with Hannah on Thursday morning before shipping off on the road, and worked my little tushy off doing 3-Position Clean – clean from floor, hang, and power – (x10, rest for 1 minute) at 55lbs…this is like 30 reps because each one is 3 positions. If you don’t believe me, watch the video. After that, we did AMRAP (as many reps as possible) for 7 minutes of 10 dumbbell snatch and 15 dumbbell jumpovers, where you basically jump side to side over the dumbbell 15 times. I modified and did side to side jumps behind the dumbbell (using it as my guide) because I wasn’t sure I could get the height, I was exhausted from the lifting, and I was fresh off of a 102.5 fever. BOY DID I FEEL IT. There were a couple of times during this metcon that I thought I might pass out. Could have been the chills or the cold sweat, I don’t know. The news is that I didn’t quit. I went slow(er) but I didn’t quit. I managed a solid 5.5 rounds and felt pretty okay about it.

After class I hung out and talked bad tattoo decisions and other funnies with a few classmates and Coach Hannah before asking about checking out some equipment for my travels north for the weekend. The CrossFIt-To-Go box was already checked out (I see you, Emma! Way to go!) so Coach Hannah was cool enough to give me a kettle bell (25lb) and an ab mat and sent me on my way with some road WODs. I was actually looking forward to doing these workouts with glorious Lake Superior as my vision line. IT IS/WAS THE PERFECT SET UP.

My sunset view at Madeline Island
My sunset view at Madeline Island

But then came socializing and excursions and water and fireworks and beaches and dogs and laughing and naps and omg suddenly five days passed and it was time to come back to Minneapolis and I had not worked out. Sure, I had run around plenty and moved around but I hadn’t swung that kettle bell or completed any sit-ups for time. I kept thinking I was going to workout.

Ugh, girl. I feel you.
Ugh, girl. I feel you.

But then I didn’t. And I’m not going to beat myself up about it because it was glorious for 5 days to not be tied to my phone and computer and schedule and deadlines and people and expectations. I was leisurely. And anyone that knows me knows that I am always on the go and have deemed life to be a series of going from one place to the next, and so on. So this vacation? It was my everything. Because I didn’t do any of that. And now, I’m back. And I’m back to phones, computers, emails, meetings, schedules, and zooming from one place to the next…including Solcana CrossFIt. See, you guys? This is why dedicated classes are so important to me. They hold me accountable, and now it’s time to get back on the horse again. So, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get my rest so I can hit the box full force tomorrow. Because I’m back.

Thanks for reading!




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