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Hey everyone! Coach Jerik here. I just wanted to give everyone an update on what to expect via programming in the immediate future. We will finally have some access to the rig with indoor class which is really going to open up what we can do, as well as being able to do some metcons outside with equipment (rowers!) and continuing our online offerings.


Indoor Class: Indoor is going to be purely a strength class. We’ll all be keeping our masks on for indoor class, and we’ll have everything we need in spots marked on the floor. A lot of us haven’t done much with a barbell in quite some time, so we’ll be easing our way in with lots of lower weights in a higher rep range. The important part here is that by doing all these lightish reps, we’re relearning the neural pattern of the lifts. Strength hangs around much longer than technique. In other words – a lot of us are just a little rusty! We’ll cycle through squat, bench, and deadlift throughout the week. Each lift will happen on two days out of the week, but each workout will be different.


In addition to the main lift, each class will incorporate some accessory lifts each and (finally) some gymnastic strength work. Specifically we’re going to focus on push ups, pull ups, and handstands. We’ll also throw in variations of these movements.


If you haven’t seen the video for how to attend indoor class, check it out here.


Outdoor and Virtual: I’m grouping these together because they are going to be 95% the same. We’ll warm up, do some non-barbell strength work, and then hit a fun workout. For outdoor class, we’ll have access to non-barbell implements: kettlebells, dumbbells, boxes, medicine balls, rowers, the Assault bikes, etc. For virtual class, there will be an equipment-free version of the workout written, but if you have any gear at home you can absolutely do the equipment version. Both will be in WODify and your coach will give you a heads up to all the options.


If you haven’t seen the video for how to attend outdoor class, check it out here.


Here’s a rundown of the week


Indoor  Outdoor/Virtual
Monday Squat / Pushups Upper Body 
Tuesday Bench / Pullups Lower Body
Wednesday Deadlift / Handstands Upper Body
Thursday Squat / Pushups Long Workout
Friday Bench / Pullups Lower Body
Saturday Deadlift / Handstands Core
Sunday N/A Long Workout (No virtual on Sunday)


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