Solcana blog

It’s my pleasure to introduce Nate Maertens as Solcana’s Mobili-Buddy of the Month! Thank you, Nate, for sharing your wonderful insights and presence with us in and out of the mobility room. We are lucky to have you.

What first drew you to adding mobility into your routine?

Feeling old! (Seriously though, it was probably Laurel’s incessant proselytizing about how awesome the mobility classes are.)

What was your first mobility experience like?

Initial resistance, followed by feelings of self-doubt, subsequently coupled with an internal monologue of “I don’t think my body is supposed to do this,” and “I could be eating a really good sandwich right now instead of looking like a fool,” eventually giving way to “dang, that actually feels kinda good,” culminating in me patting myself on the back for clearly making an excellent choice. (To varying degrees, it is still kinda like that every time.)

What are the benefits you’ve noticed from incorporating mobility?

There have been tons! On the physical side, I am waaaay more flexible than I have been in a long time, probably since I was a kid. I feel like my alignment is better, and I think there is something about recognizing a muscle or group of muscles in the calm atmosphere of the mobility space that allows me to be more cognizant of their functions while lifting. On the mental side, mobility serves as a great reset button to ground myself in these especially tumultuous times.

Is there anything that gets you really jazzed about mobility?

Shavasana! 🙂

What one piece of advice or insight would you share with someone that may be reserved about mobility?

Mobility is for everybody! Damn near all mammals like to stretch, but us humans seem to forget that more often than we should. Solcana’s mobility classes serve as a great way for us to reconnect with the inherent desires and potentials of our bodies. And they are fun!

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