Solcana blog

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Slack for iOS UploadGrowing up, I was a serious science fair competitor. My computer programs to predict outcomes of horse races and rocket altitude brought me to the international science and engineering fair as an alternate two years. The biggest refrain that I learned from that time was that you should only change one variable at a time in an experiment. But last month, I eschewed that advice and we switched it all up—launching the revisioned mobility program at Solcana. We added more instructors, more classes, and adjusted class lengths.

In addition to the fabulous instructors who have been with us since the start, we now have Amelia, Aaron, Laura, Darshan, Elisa, and Julia teaching mobility. They all bring unique skills and a passion for integrating mobility to help improve athletic and functional performance. Seriously talented instructors and all around bad asses. They’ve done everything from being on Danish reality shows to being competitive swimmers.

Having these new faces in the studio has meant we could also add a ton more classes. We’ve got early morning classes, midday classes, and weekend, glorious weekend, classes. Whenever you can make it to class, there is a class. Being mobile is what’s going to push your performance farther, so I want to make sure there’s no barriers stopping you from making it to the mobility space. With that we adjusted class lengths and made three different classes: mini, standard, and XL. Mini is there to set you up for a crossfit class or just to fit in when you have a million other things going on and twenty minutes is all you can spare. Standard and XL will help you recover faster and make longer term changes in your mobility.

And guess what? More people are making it over to the mobility space. Science fair Liv is pretty upset because she doesn’t know which of these variable has changed it, but it’s happening and this is only the beginning. For the month of May, let’s take it a step farther. Commit to one mobility class a week and ten minutes a week of home* practice in the pose of the month. Take pictures of yourself in the pose with the hashtag #MobilityMonster. This month’s pose is a seated straddle. This pose will help loosen up your lower back, hamstrings, and groin. So, paws up, mobility monsters, let’s check in next month to see the results of this month’s experiment.

*or office or gym after a WOD or park or wherever

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